- Microteknix Announces Email Threat Updates
New threats emerge often. Data breaches occur often. Let Microteknix provide you with timely email alerts describing the latest
threats and news events. We'll keep you informed as events occur with information on what action to implement if necessary.
We continuously monitor all industry sectors for evolving and newly
occurring threats. Let Microteknix keep you informed.
Contact us for details.
- Microteknix Announces Threatcore Project
Get all of your cybersecurity, infosec and technology news in one place through our news links. We are actively aggregating the latest
developments and information from around the world and bring it all to our news site
Threatcore Project.
- Custom IT Services
Got a project idea? We specialize in custom IT solutions. From big to small, whether it's a new data center plan or a mysterious piece of malware,
we'll be here to help. Contact us for details.
- Data Security
We understand the importance of data security in today's dynamic threat environment. Data security prevents data breaches and ensures the intergity of you data.
Microteknix provides data security services and consultation for risk management, loss prevention, mobile security, endpoint protection.
We will perform an in-depth security assessment to identify risks and compliance gaps. We help our customers define and classify sensitive data and create scalable
policies. In addition, we show our clients how to audit their systens and monitor their data for reliable business operations.
See our data security page for more information.
- Risk Mitigation, Threat Modeling, and Forensics
Every organization, no matter the size, needs a risk mitigation strategy. Companies winning the security battle are those with a risk based security methodology.
Revisit where you're focused. Focus on the highest impact, not the highest likelihood. We keep up to date on the latest threats and and provide forensic services as well.
See our risks and threats page for details.
- Physical Security
All data orginates and stored in physical sites; and therefore physical security is often overlooked. We provide physical security audits and services to protect the assets of
our clients. See our physical security page for details.
- SCADA and ICS Risk Mitigation
The widespread use of encryption is new to automation, electric power, and industrial control industries. Encryption alone however, does not make systems immune.
We provide SCADA and ICS risk mitigation consultation and auditing services. Critical infrastructure sectors are very popular tagets for attackers and it is important
to understand the risks these systems face. For more information, see our SCADA and ICS services page.
- Communications Protocols
We are experiences in the integration communication protocols of SCADA and ICS systems including DNP3, Modbus TCP, IEC-61850, IEC-60870, DeviceNet, and SNMP.
See our communication protocols page for details.
- Threat Modeling
Our clients need to know the latest threats that pop up each and every day. In the dynamic threat environment of industrial systems,
Microteknix puts much emphasis in knowing what threats are known today. We then relay this information to our clients and make sure they
understand the risk to their systems and work with them on compensating controls if necessary. Our focus is keeping systems secure for reliable communications.
When a new threat emerges, you will hear it from us first. See our industrial_threat_modeling page for details.
Microteknix LLC | Pottstown, PA 19465
Microteknix LLC 2015 •
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